Professional Heating & Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Mandeville’

How to Prepare for AC Installation

Monday, June 17th, 2024

You’ll be so happy this summer, so cool and comfortable with your brand-new air conditioner. Once that installation is done, you’ll be able to enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities in the heat, knowing you have a safe, cool home to retreat to when you get too hot. But before you can put your feet up and relax, you’ve got to get through that installation appointment.

Have you ever had an air conditioner installed before? If you have, it was probably many years ago. Well, we do it all the time! We can tell you exactly what to expect during AC installation and how to make sure you’re as prepared as possible. This will help make everything go smoothly.

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Prompt AC Repair Will Save You Time and Money

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Keeping our homes at a comfortable temperature all year round is the single greatest energy expenditure of American households. Heating and cooling can cost a great deal, and around here, we spend more of the year using our air conditioning than our heat. 

Purchasing an air conditioner and paying the electric bill to keep it running are costly enough! Repairs are an additional expense, and it can be hard to part with that money. Here’s the thing, though: getting your AC repairs done as soon as possible will actually save you money, and time as well. Here’s why.

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It’s Time to Schedule AC Maintenance

Monday, April 8th, 2024

It’s that time again! The springtime weather is gorgeous, but you know it won’t be long before the heat will be sweltering. You don’t want to be caught unprepared! Get ready for the summer by scheduling your air conditioner maintenance now. 

How important is AC maintenance, you ask? Well, we’re glad to have a chance to explain it to you! We’ll tell you all about the air conditioner maintenance process and the many benefits you’ll enjoy once you’ve had it done.

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When Is an AC Repair an Emergency?

Monday, March 11th, 2024

In some situations, it’s obvious that you have an emergency with one of your home’s systems. Water gushing down on you from a pipe somewhere in your ceiling? Definitely a plumbing emergency. Smoke and sparks coming out of your outlets? Definitely an electrical emergency. But what constitutes an emergency when it comes to a problem with your air conditioner?

We’ll talk you through figuring that out. First, we’ll make sure you truly need AC repair, rather than having an issue you can correct yourself. Then, we’ll discuss which air conditioning repair needs can be safely put off until regular business hours and which you should treat as emergencies.

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Are UV Air Purifiers Safe?

Monday, February 12th, 2024

It’s a shocking fact: Americans, on average, spend well over 90% of our time indoors. This means we’re constantly breathing indoor air, full of the recirculated germs someone else has sneezed out and the odors from last night’s fried fish or your teenager’s sneakers. Depending on the time of year, it’s not always possible to fling all the windows open and get some fresh air.

That means that your best bet for breathing air that’s free of pathogens and smelly bacteria is an air purifier. Ultraviolet light is an amazing way to purify air and kill all those germs. But are UV air purifiers safe? Here’s what you need to know.

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Uncommon Heating Repairs You Might Run Into

Monday, January 15th, 2024

When it comes to heating repairs, there are some that are run-of-the-mill and some that happen maybe once in a lifetime. There are also issues that are unique to different types of heating systems. For example, you’ll never have to worry about a cracked heat exchanger in an electric furnace.

Since you’ve undoubtedly experienced the basic types of issues that can come up, let’s look at some unusual problems. Some need to be addressed immediately while some can wait. Whatever the issue, be sure to call us instead of Googling “repair heating system in Mandeville” We’re equipped to handle any issue, big or small, common or uncommon.

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Which Heating System Should You Install in Your Home?

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Your heating system has gone kaput and it’s time for you to make the decision about a new heating installation in Mandeville. Because you don’t use your heating system as much as your air conditioner, you may be tempted to simply replace it with the same type of system you had before. 

However, by taking some time and doing a bit of research, you may find out that another type of heating system would work better for your home comfort along with both your short-term and long-term budget. Let’s look at the three main types of heating systems that are available in today’s market. 

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How to Take Care of Your Smart Thermostat

Monday, October 23rd, 2023
woman adjust smart thermostat

Your thermostat is the brains behind your HVAC system. As such, it needs to be in good working order for it to control your HVAC system well. The thermostat plays an important role in regulating your home’s temperature. 

Thermostat problems can cause issues, such as temperature inconsistencies, increased energy use, faulty readings, and could even cause your HVAC system to not function properly.

Luckily, taking care of your thermostat is an easy DIY homeowner task. Here are some things to add to your homeowner’s DIY maintenance list that’ll keep your smart thermostat in great condition.

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7 DIY AC Maintenance Tasks We Encourage

Monday, October 9th, 2023

As much as we love our customers, we’d like to see you as little as possible. That’s why we strongly encourage homeowners to know as much as they can about maintaining their home comfort systems.

When you rely on your air conditioner as much as you do in Mandeville, LA, knowing DIY maintenance tasks is essential. Although there’s no substitute for annual AC tune-ups from our team, there are many things you can and should do to maintain your AC. Here are 7 DIY AC maintenance tasks that homeowners can do to stay cool during our hot and humid weather.

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3 Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Repairs

Monday, August 28th, 2023

If your home has a heat pump, you’re undoubtedly thrilled with its performance. A heat pump is an HVAC workhorse, providing your home with heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. 

Although it might seem like your heat pump will work flawlessly forever, just like with any complex machine, its performance can suffer from time to time. Here are 3 common issues that occur with heat pumps. Be sure to have these issues addressed promptly to avoid them becoming major issues and interrupting your AC service.

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