Professional Heating & Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Maintenance’

Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Your air conditioner has been working hard for a while now. And the season won’t be over for quite some time yet. All that hard work has a major impact on the ability of your air conditioner to keep chugging along and keep your home cool. And the best way to make it easier, and to cut down on the wear and tear that hard work creates, is by having annual maintenance done. Did you do that?

If you forgot to schedule your annual AC maintenance this spring, if you thought you could get away with skipping a year, or if AC maintenance isn’t something you usually do at all, your air conditioner is at risk of developing serious problems. Is it too late to schedule AC maintenance this year? Should you put it off any longer? What would be the benefit of doing it now? We’ll tell you.

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It’s Time to Schedule AC Maintenance

Monday, April 8th, 2024

It’s that time again! The springtime weather is gorgeous, but you know it won’t be long before the heat will be sweltering. You don’t want to be caught unprepared! Get ready for the summer by scheduling your air conditioner maintenance now. 

How important is AC maintenance, you ask? Well, we’re glad to have a chance to explain it to you! We’ll tell you all about the air conditioner maintenance process and the many benefits you’ll enjoy once you’ve had it done.

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Starting Your AC Up for the Season: 4 Tips

Monday, March 30th, 2020

It’s been a long winter, and while it might not have gotten too cold here in Louisianna, we’ve still dealt with rainy weather and a drop in temperatures that weren’t easy on our homes or our HVAC systems. The big issue is that we utilize our air conditioners much more than we do our heaters, and now is the big test to see whether your heater is ready to survive another year of heavy use.

While many homeowners would like to just hope their AC is fine and flip the switch, we’re hoping a few of our customers are a little more proactive. There are many things you can do in the spring to help ease the burden for your AC as it gets ready to run again. Remember that if you notice your system is in need of air conditioning repair in Covington, LA that you nip it in the bud before cooling season begins!

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AC Services… At This Time of Year?

Monday, February 4th, 2019

Part of our nation may be experiencing record-breaking cold temperatures, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be looking forward to the warm temperatures that spring and summer will inevitably bring.

Before those temperatures come may be the perfect time to have your air conditioner inspected! Here’s why:

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Air Conditioning Service Helps Lower the Risk of Repairs

Monday, April 16th, 2018

air-conditioning-maintenanceSummers come early and stay late in our neck of the woods, and when the temperatures start to rise, your air conditioner is as vital to your home as the electricity or the plumbing. Breakdowns, when they come, tend to arrive at the least opportune time, and often leave you scrambling to get the problem fixed in the midst of a dreadful heat wave.

Our team moves swiftly and can respond to repair calls very quickly when they’re needed. But we also believe that an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure. An air conditioning service session now, before summer heat has really begun, can help lower the risk of repairs.

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Air Conditioning Service Helps You Stay Prepared

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

air-conditioning-ventWe’re in the off-season when it comes to air conditioning, and while the weather rarely gets cold here in Lousiana, it’s as mild in January as it will be all year. That makes now an excellent time to get your air conditioner checked and make any adjustments you need to before you must use it again. Warm weather seems to arrive earlier every year, but if you’ve made the proper preparations, you can make sure that your air conditioner is ready to handle anything.

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Winter is a Good Time to Schedule Air Conditioning Service

Monday, December 25th, 2017

air-conditioning-maintenanceAir conditioners rarely have a real off-season here in Louisiana, and there’s always the chance that an unexpected heat wave will bring it into service again.  By and large, however, winter temperatures are mild, which means it’s a good time to give your air conditioner a close look. Considering how often we use ours in this part of the world, it pays to schedule servicing sessions at least once a year, and if it’s been more than 12 months since you last one, now is the perfect time to set one up. What is a servicing session and why should you schedule one? Read on for the answers.

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Air Conditioning Service Can Prevent Repairs Further Down the Road

Monday, October 30th, 2017

air-conditioning-servicesAutumn means cooler temperatures, even here in Lousiana, and that means that your air conditioner can finally take a break after a long hot summer. It also means that you should schedule a maintenance session for your air conditioner as soon as possible. Maintenance most closely resembles a tune-up on your car: it’s a chance for a trained technician to check for possible problems and let you get an early jump on them should any crop up. The aim is to help save you money in improved efficiency, but also to help prevent repairs further down the road. Here’s a little breakdown on how that works.

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Common Signs that You Need Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

air-conditioning-repairWith high temperatures slowly abating and Louisiana coming out from under a devastating hurricane season, now is the time to take a close look at your air conditioner and determine if it needs any repairs. Even in situations where your home was spared the ravages of the weather, most air conditioners have been running for months on end without any sign of respite. That can take its toll and the sooner you address any problems the system may have, the better off you’ll be.

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Timely Air Conditioning Service Can Make a Big Difference

Monday, September 18th, 2017

air-conditioning-repairMost people in Louisiana are still assessing the damage caused by the unprecedented weather we’ve experienced in recent weeks. That comes on top of the arrival of autumn, which usually signals a time to get your air conditioner serviced. Proper servicing is all the more important this year: it keeps your air conditioner functioning, which is vital to maintaining your home’s comfort level and the health of your family members. The sooner you can schedule timely air conditioning service, the better off your home will be.

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