Professional Heating & Air Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Your air conditioner has been working hard for a while now. And the season won’t be over for quite some time yet. All that hard work has a major impact on the ability of your air conditioner to keep chugging along and keep your home cool. And the best way to make it easier, and to cut down on the wear and tear that hard work creates, is by having annual maintenance done. Did you do that?

If you forgot to schedule your annual AC maintenance this spring, if you thought you could get away with skipping a year, or if AC maintenance isn’t something you usually do at all, your air conditioner is at risk of developing serious problems. Is it too late to schedule AC maintenance this year? Should you put it off any longer? What would be the benefit of doing it now? We’ll tell you.

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Can This Air Conditioner Be Saved? AC Repair vs. Replacement

Monday, July 1st, 2024

If you’ve got a major air conditioner problem in Louisiana in July, you don’t want to sit around debating what to do for very long! You need to make a decision and get things sorted out so you don’t expire from the heat. If your air conditioner is not very new, and it needs a significant repair, you might be wondering whether it’s worth it, or if you should replace the system.

It’s not a simple yes-or-no question. There are a few different factors you should take into account as you choose whether to repair or replace your air conditioner. We’ll help you sort through the important pieces of information so you can make a decision you’ll be happy with.

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How to Prepare for AC Installation

Monday, June 17th, 2024

You’ll be so happy this summer, so cool and comfortable with your brand-new air conditioner. Once that installation is done, you’ll be able to enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities in the heat, knowing you have a safe, cool home to retreat to when you get too hot. But before you can put your feet up and relax, you’ve got to get through that installation appointment.

Have you ever had an air conditioner installed before? If you have, it was probably many years ago. Well, we do it all the time! We can tell you exactly what to expect during AC installation and how to make sure you’re as prepared as possible. This will help make everything go smoothly.

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The Sounds and Smells of an AC Unit in Need of Repair

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

When your air conditioner is having a rough time, it needs repair promptly. This way, problems can be resolved before they get any bigger. And you don’t want bigger problems! That means more extensive, costlier repairs, not to mention paying for the extra electricity your air conditioner will use while it’s struggling to function despite the problems.

We often hear phrases like “keep an eye out” or “watch for these signs” when we’re told to be alert to possible problems. The trick is that your air conditioner will probably look exactly the same when it’s struggling, so watching or keeping an eye out won’t help. When your AC unit needs repair, you’re most likely to notice the problem with your ears or nose. Here are the sounds and smells of AC trouble.

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Prompt AC Repair Will Save You Time and Money

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Keeping our homes at a comfortable temperature all year round is the single greatest energy expenditure of American households. Heating and cooling can cost a great deal, and around here, we spend more of the year using our air conditioning than our heat. 

Purchasing an air conditioner and paying the electric bill to keep it running are costly enough! Repairs are an additional expense, and it can be hard to part with that money. Here’s the thing, though: getting your AC repairs done as soon as possible will actually save you money, and time as well. Here’s why.

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It’s Time to Schedule AC Maintenance

Monday, April 8th, 2024

It’s that time again! The springtime weather is gorgeous, but you know it won’t be long before the heat will be sweltering. You don’t want to be caught unprepared! Get ready for the summer by scheduling your air conditioner maintenance now. 

How important is AC maintenance, you ask? Well, we’re glad to have a chance to explain it to you! We’ll tell you all about the air conditioner maintenance process and the many benefits you’ll enjoy once you’ve had it done.

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When Is an AC Repair an Emergency?

Monday, March 11th, 2024

In some situations, it’s obvious that you have an emergency with one of your home’s systems. Water gushing down on you from a pipe somewhere in your ceiling? Definitely a plumbing emergency. Smoke and sparks coming out of your outlets? Definitely an electrical emergency. But what constitutes an emergency when it comes to a problem with your air conditioner?

We’ll talk you through figuring that out. First, we’ll make sure you truly need AC repair, rather than having an issue you can correct yourself. Then, we’ll discuss which air conditioning repair needs can be safely put off until regular business hours and which you should treat as emergencies.

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7 DIY AC Maintenance Tasks We Encourage

Monday, October 9th, 2023

As much as we love our customers, we’d like to see you as little as possible. That’s why we strongly encourage homeowners to know as much as they can about maintaining their home comfort systems.

When you rely on your air conditioner as much as you do in Mandeville, LA, knowing DIY maintenance tasks is essential. Although there’s no substitute for annual AC tune-ups from our team, there are many things you can and should do to maintain your AC. Here are 7 DIY AC maintenance tasks that homeowners can do to stay cool during our hot and humid weather.

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Uncommon AC Issues & What’s Causing Them

Monday, September 11th, 2023

You’re probably familiar with the signs of common problems with air conditioners. Perhaps you’ve even called us when your AC’s evaporator coils froze up or it was emitting lukewarm air. These are all situations when it’s obvious that it’s time to call us to diagnose and fix the issue. But there are uncommon AC issues that aren’t as well known and don’t occur as often.

Let’s go over some more unusual issues that you might come across someday as a homeowner in Hammond, LA. That way you won’t be left wondering whether you should call for AC repair or if it’s completely normal.

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What Are My Options for AC Installation?

Monday, August 14th, 2023

Is your Louisiana home due for a new air conditioner? Perhaps it’s just not delivering the cooling power you need in our hot and muggy weather or even worse–it’s broken down completely and you’re faced with an expensive repair.

We understand that no homeowner looks forward to the day when their AC requires replacement. However, there is a silver lining to this cloud: you now have a lot more options for air conditioners than you did 10 years ago. 

When considering AC installation, you might be tempted to go with the cheapest version of the last system you bought. However, by spending a bit more and doing a little more research, you may find that there’s a different type of system that’s better suited to your needs. You can stop Googling “air conditioning installation near me” and find out your options right here and now.

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