Professional Heating & Air Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Sounds You Don’t Want to Hear from Your AC

Monday, July 17th, 2023

We’re in the thick of summer here in Louisiana and by now, you probably have a good idea of how it’s performing. Is it quietly humming along and doing its job of keeping your home and family in perfect comfort? Or is it being a noisy nuisance and your home comfort is suffering?

A struggling air conditioner will literally let you know when it’s suffering by making a variety of unusual noises. Let’s go over some of the sounds you don’t want to hear from your AC. That way, you’ll have an idea of what could be wrong and whether you need to call us for service. 

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Why A Clogged Condensate Line Is Bad News

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Have you ever wondered what happens to all the moisture your AC collects during the cooling process? Your air conditioner has a part called a condensate drain that is designed to collect and channel away this moisture. But water and condensation aren’t all that’s capable of entering this drain. Dust and dirt can accumulate and things like mold spores can develop in this line and become trapped in the drain. 

Just like with any drain line with a small diameter, the condensate line can eventually become clogged to the point that no condensation can pass through. This water may back up into the air conditioner or around the surrounding floor and walls. As you can imagine, leaking water is never a good thing in a home. Learn why this happens and what you can do to prevent it. If your AC develops a drain clog, give us a call for prompt air conditioning service in Hammond.

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How to Know When to Call for Emergency Repairs

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Knowing when to call for emergency AC repair might seem like an easy thing to recognize, but it can be more nuanced than that. For example, an air conditioner that won’t turn on at all on a scorching hot day can be a safety issue for you and your family and it should be treated as an emergency. 

But what about if the AC isn’t working very well on a day with mild temperatures? It gets a bit tricky, doesn’t it? The question we’re trying to answer here is exactly how urgent is the need for an emergency repair. Let’s go over the parameters that definitely warrant a call for emergency repairs.

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How AC Maintenance Reduces AC Repairs

Monday, May 8th, 2023

It’s never a good feeling when you realize you need air conditioning repair in Mandeville. Although you know you can always count on us to fix your AC promptly and efficiently, you might be wondering how your AC broke down in the first place. 

We like to inform our customers of all the ways they can avoid seeing us and that includes how to avoid AC repairs. The first thing we recommend is getting annual AC maintenance. In fact, 70% of the AC repairs we perform are on air conditioners that haven’t received this important service. 

Let’s go over the things you can to do try and avoid AC repairs.

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What Is Formicary Corrosion In An AC?

Monday, April 24th, 2023

The last thing you want to deal with during our overwhelmingly hot and humid summers is a broken-down air conditioner. There are things you can do to guard against unexpected breakdowns. You can change the air filter religiously every 1-3 months. You can schedule annual maintenance if you have a central air conditioner and twice a year if you have a heat pump. You can schedule a repair if your AC is making unusual noises.

However, even with the most vigilant attention to their air conditioners, Louisiana homeowners may face a breakdown despite this attention. That’s why it’s helpful to keep reading our blog so you can be aware of potential issues. One type of common breakdown that isn’t commonly known about is formicary corrosion. If you have an air conditioner with copper coils in the outdoor unit, this is a potential problem. Let’s discuss this issue so you’ll know if it’s going on with your AC.

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Strange AC Noises and What They Mean

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Here in Louisiana, an air conditioner isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. During our hot, humid summers, you never want to find yourself without a functioning air conditioner. That’s why it’s essential to know the signs that your need AC repair in Mandeville LA.

Luckily, your AC will do just about everything it can to let you know it needs some help. These signs usually come in the form of unusual noises and sounds. Let’s go over some of these so you’ll know what they usually mean and that it’s time to schedule an appointment with our technicians. 

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Is Your Old Air Conditioner Wasting Money?

Monday, February 20th, 2023

Do you have an older air conditioning system in your home? If you’re not sure what we mean by older, we’re talking about one that has exceeded its estimated lifespan. Air conditioners are estimated to last for 10-15 years. but we often see air conditioners that have exceeded this amount in people’s homes. In fact, we see them fairly often when we get calls for AC repair in Covington, LA.

We understand that homeowners want their home comfort systems to last as long as they possibly can. Nobody looks forward to the day when you have to replace an expensive piece of equipment like an air conditioner. However, many homeowners mistakenly think that by not replacing their outdated AC that they’re saving money. Actually, the reverse is true. Let’s look at the ways that trying to keep an aging, outdated air conditioner going is costing you more money than it would be if you replaced it.

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Heat Pumps and Mini Splits for Louisiana Homes

Monday, February 13th, 2023

The popularity of alternate air condition options is skyrocketing—and for good reason. Among these options are heat pumps and ductless mini splits. If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your air conditioning in Mandeville, LA, have you considered making the switch to one of these systems? If you’re not aware of the benefits of heat pumps and mini splits, you’re not alone. Read on to learn what makes these systems so unique and why one might just be the perfect fit for your home. 

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When to Repair Your AC and When to Replace It

Monday, November 7th, 2022

When your air conditioning system breaks down and needs to be repaired, many homeowners wonder: will I need to replace my air conditioner soon? Although no one wants to think about the expense and hassle of replacement, sometimes replacing an air conditioner is simply the best option. 

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Common Problems with Air Conditioner Fans

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Fans are an essential part of your air conditioning system and when they’re on the fritz, they’ll be sure to let you know. Unfortunately, fan issues can potentially lead to other issues with your system. Issues with your fans have distinct warning signs, something we’ve seen many times with air conditioner repairs in Hammond. To determine whether there’s an issue with one of your air conditioning system’s fans, our Professional Heating and Air Conditioning experts have created a helpful list of common problems.

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