Professional Heating & Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Mandeville’

Which Heater Is the Most Energy-Efficient?

Monday, December 6th, 2021

Down here in Mandeville, LA, we don’t get the coldest temperatures imaginable. Things sure do get chilly, especially at night, but we’re not really going through any safety emergencies when our heaters run into problems. The most important factor of our heating systems is their efficiency. The more efficient your heater is, the better off you will be going forward and the less you’ll have to pay for your bills!

This blog post is all about energy efficiency. We want to talk about how to measure it, what it actually means, and which heating system is the most efficient when you’re choosing one. This is going to be important in the future because when utility bills rise, it can be a sign that you need heating repair in Mandeville, LA, and that’s going to depend on the efficiency of your system starting out.

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Why Heat Pump Maintenance Is Twice a Year

Monday, September 27th, 2021

We’ve seen plenty of frustrated customers that learn about heat pump maintenance being twice a year. If it feels like some sort of scam, or like a recommendation rather than a necessary service, we completely understand. As new technology becomes widely available, it’s up to companies like ours to help homeowners learn about why these systems need the services they do. So we’ve taken it upon ourselves today to talk about heat pump maintenance.

Heat pump air conditioning in Mandeville, LA is popular. We’ve got a lot of homes in our area that are cooled and heated by heat pump systems. That’s why we need to talk about how important it is that your heat pump gets maintenance twice a year. This is a necessary service that’s going to keep the system’s warranty active, keep it in good condition, and extend its lifespan. Keep reading to find out more.

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3 DIY AC Fixes to Stay Away From

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

It’s no surprise that there’s been an uptick in DIY fixes on air conditioners in the past few years. With more people using the internet to find information, homeowners can easily come across tutorials and “quick fixes” complete with a whole guide and video to accompany them. It seems like the time of professional AC repairs is over, and anything can be done by a curious homeowner, right?

Absolutely not. DIY fixes can quickly become a hassle and even more costly than professional visits. Think about it, if you’re not experienced or trained, how do you know that you’re fixing the source of the issue at hand? How do you know you’ve got the right tools to fix a problem, or the right refrigerant to recharge your system? Just one minor slip up could lead to a completely broken down system and the need for expensive air conditioning repair in Mandeville, LA.

Let’s talk about what homeowners shouldn’t do in the HVAC world.

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It’s AC Maintenance Time!

Monday, May 10th, 2021

It’s spring, and you know what that means! It’s time to get maintenance for your air conditioner. Since the invention of HVAC technology, springtime has always been a moment of investigation for the condition and effectiveness of an air conditioner. After all, the hot summer temperatures aren’t here yet, so we’ve got a little bit of time to figure out if there’s anything wrong with your system.

One of the biggest reasons to invest in AC maintenance that we’ll explore today is that it staves off air conditioning repair in Mandeville, LA. The more well-maintained your system is, the less likely you are to have an emergency repair pop up when you least expect it. And while that might seem superfluous now, you’ll be thanking us when your AC is able to run effectively during the many heatwaves we get in the summer.

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3 HVAC Things You Should NEVER Try

Monday, February 1st, 2021

We know, this makes us sound like the resident party-poopers. How dare we come into your home and ruin all the fun by telling you what you shouldn’t do. After all, it’s your house, your HVAC system, so you should be able to do with it what you want, right?

Well, not really. For starters, if you’ve got a gas-powered heating system, it can be downright illegal to tamper with that if you don’t have an HVAC license. Along those lines, doing anything other than what a homeowner should do to their HVAC system could cost you thousands of dollars in repairs or replacements, and can be a generally irresponsible thing to do.

If you’re not a big fan of throwing money out the window, and you’d rather leave the important stuff up to an HVAC contractor in Mandeville, LA, then pay attention. We’ll tell you what you should never try to do for your HVAC system.

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7 Reasons to Call for Heater Repair

Monday, December 21st, 2020

We’re getting into the dead of winter, when heaters are most likely to fail and cause stressful problems at home. We’re not saying this to scare or alarm anyone, we’re only saying this to reinforce homeowners who are doing their best to keep their heaters working properly. If you need heating repair in Mandeville, LA, then be sure to call for professional help when needed.

Hold on, how are you supposed to even know that you need heater repair? Isn’t this a little complicated of a subject? Your heater might be making noises, but how do you know if they’re bad enough for a professional to check out?

Don’t worry, we’ll let you in on our experience in the field. Keep reading as we get into seven important reasons to call for heater repair this winter. If you recognize any of these, or feel the need to call us because of something else, we’re here!

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Your Thermostat, Your Heater, and You

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Sometimes there’s a bit of a cycle we witness that goes on in the homes of our customers. At first, a customer has a problem with a heater that we then promptly fix. After that, there’s a problem with comfort levels, we try to pinpoint in the heater, only to find out that it’s a problem with the thermostat. Eventually, by the time the thermostat is upgraded, there’s a problem again with the heater. This cycle can happen over months, years, or even decades.

Today, we’d like to talk about why thermostats are so important to this cycle, in regards to heating in Mandeville, LA. Thermostats, just like heaters, have an important duty in your home’s comfort, and the moment you forget that you’ll run into an issue that you’d rather avoid.

So, how does your heater, your thermostat, and your comfort all work together seamlessly? Keep reading to find out!

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Which Certifications Matter in the AC Industry

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

We mention a lot on this blog about hiring a professional HVAC technician with the right credentials, but sometimes we don’t specify what those credentials are or what they mean. So, in the spirit of staying factual and keeping you in the loop, we’re going to zero in on some of the more notorious HVAC acronyms, talk about what these certifications mean, and advocate for why they’re so important to recognize.

Certifications matter, and more specifically, certain certifications matter more than others. If an amateur technician is willing to do a job for cheaper but the only qualifications they have to show for their expertise is a degree in computer science, then maybe you should reconsider.

Thankfully, all of the certifications we mention below can be found with our team. When you call us for air conditioning service in Mandeville, LA, you get top-notch service.

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Why Standby Generators Are Worth the Investment

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

We don’t want to speak negatively about portable generators. After all, they’re an incredibly affordable solution to the emergency problem of a power outage. Portable generators run on gasoline and can create just enough power to fuel certain electrical appliances. However, what if we told you that there are generators that work more conveniently, which could power your entire home?

Those generators are called automatic standby generators, and they’re incredibly energy-efficient solutions that can conveniently keep your lights on while keeping your food fresh in the refrigerator as well!

Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of a system like this, or if you’re simply unconvinced that a standby, whole-house generator is right for your home. We’re not here to make a sales pitch, only to inform you as to what automatic standby generators in Mandeville, LA can do for homeowners.

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Common Costly Heater Misconceptions

Monday, February 17th, 2020

Heaters are not toys. When you risk neglecting them or performing some repair on them when you’re not qualified, the price is worth much more than some homeowners are willing to pay for. Toys, especially ones that are handled by toddlers and small children, are meant to be broken, whereas a heater is supposed to last as long as possible before it breaks.

Today, we’d like to inform anyone who was thinking of performing a risky maneuver or found some information online about ways to save money with space heaters—that these might not be as efficient solutions as you think. Saving money is always a good thing, but high risk, high reward procedures aren’t usually the best way to save.

So buckle up and let your local HVAC contractor in Mandeville, LA bestow some knowledge on common costly heater misconceptions.

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